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The Call

"So the maiden went out and called the child's mother." (Ex 2:8b)

I recall sitting around a Sunday School table as a child with my church friends as we listened to our teacher share the story of little Moses in the bulrush. It was such an amazing story that I can still remember the flannel-graph picture of baby Moses in the little basket. The image of the cute little baby who was safely placed in a tiny waterproof 'boat' was forever etched in my mind. It is the story of a woman who trusted in God. Little did she know that as she saved this baby, he would one day save the entire Israelite nation.

Little is known about Jochebed, the mother of Moses. When we meet her for the first time in the second chapter of Exodus, we don't even know her name. She was a Hebrew living in Egypt under harsh circumstances. The Hebrews who had moved to Egypt centuries prior to this time had multiplied so much that they now outnumbered the Egyptians. The Pharaoh feared they would overtake the country, so he commanded all of the newborn Hebrew sons be thrown into the river. I find it hard to even wrap my mind around that. I can't imagine anyone actually throwing a helpless baby into a river. There was sorrow beyond belief in the hearts of all of those young mothers. This is where we learn about little Moses.

By faith Jochebed placed Moses into a basket and placed him in the river and sent her daughter to watch him from afar. When the Pharaoh's daughter went to the river to bathe, she saw the basket. When she opened it, the baby cried and she had compassion on him. Moses' sister ran to her at once and offered to find a Hebrew woman to nurse him, so she called her own mother to do the job. God rewarded Jochebed by reuniting her with her baby.

It is an amazing story of faith, hope, and courage. As I studied this story I wondered how I could possibly apply it to my life? What can we take away from Jochebed?

1. There may be times that we are facing an impossible situation... Trust God anyway.

2. There may be times when we have to protect our family from danger... Pray for a hedge of protection around them just like the safe boat Moses had.

3. There may be a calling God is birthing in us that we need to release to Him... Wait, what?

The third point is where we need to land. What is the calling on your life? What is the ministry God is tugging on your heart for you to do? When Jochebed had Moses, she hid him for three months. Perhaps you are hiding your calling that God has birthed in you because you feel it's safer that way. How long will you keep it hid? Remember, no one else can fulfill what God wants you to do. (Col 4:17)

We are all called, the Great Commission is for everyone, it's not optional. Jesus spoke the words as He ascended to heaven, "Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation". (Mark 16:15) What a joy it is to bring the gospel to someone. The words of Jesus doesn't mean that everyone is called to preach, but we can all share the gospel as we are given the opportunity. We can use our gifts and talents to share the message of Christ.

In the Parable of the Talents, Jesus illustrated that different gifts have been given to us. Some received more than others, but each of the servants had to give an account for how they utilized their talents. We are to use our time, talents, and treasure wisely. The point of the parable is that we all should be found faithful with what God has entrusted to us.

What happened during those three months Moses was hid? His mother took care of him, fed him, nurtured and protected him. Maybe you are in a season of cultivating your gift. I want to encourage you to not keep it hidden forever. We must be willing to release it from our grasp and allow God to use it for His glory.

"So the maiden went out and called the child's mother." (Ex 2:8b) I feel sure that Jochebed never dreamed that she would be given the privilege of weaning her son. This gave her around 3-5 years to pour into Moses about God. Jochebed exercised her faith by letting go of her baby. We need to have the courage to do the same. Let us pray for God to give us strength to protect that which He has birthed in us, and stand against the enemy who comes to steal, kill, and destroy. And most importantly, may we release it from our grasp and allow God to use it for His glory.

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