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Seeking God

Multitasking is a way of life for most busy women. We are pros at helping with homework, checking emails, holding a toddler on our hip, and cooking dinner- all at the same time. Our brains are in a constant process of switching back and forth between the many tasks we put on ourselves. It’s a wonder we accomplish anything as our attention is divided between so many things.

It’s been quite a few years since I’ve had a toddler in the house, but I vividly remember how crazy life was at the time. With three children running around, I can remember times when one of them would want my attention as they climbed onto my lap, placed their hands on my cheeks, and literally turned me directly to them- face to face.

They wanted my full attention.

They wanted me to look only at them.

They wanted me to listen only to their voice.

Many times through the years I have sat down with my Bible, journal, and a cup of coffee, fully ready for a meaningful study time. I would read a verse or two, but my mind was fixed on the enormous mountain of laundry or the chicken I forgot to defrost. I would take a note of the chore and reread the verse. As time went on, the cycle continued. I would read a few minutes, but found my mind constantly drifting to the never-ending chores that awaited me. My journal page for the day became my to-do list. I would leave feeling frustrated.

“But you, when you pray,

go into your room,

and when you have shut your door,

pray to your Father who is in the secret place” Matt 6:6

When you have shut the door -- Jesus is saying for us to shut the world out during our prayer time. He wants a daily time with us. I know it isn't always that easy, but it is imperative for our relationship with God.

I realized the hard way that I had to get control of my schedule and my life. I had to regroup and focus on the important things and make sure my priorities were in the right order. When my mind wasn’t going in a hundred directions, I was able to give my study time my full attention. I learned to devote myself to the secret place. What an amazing thought that God is there waiting for us. He wants to be with us as much as we want that time with Him. My study and prayer time made a complete change as I began to diligently seek Him.

I think many people want to have a good prayer time, but life just gets in the way. We must make room for God, even if it means getting up an hour earlier. David was a man after God's own heart. (Acts 13:22) What was so unique about him? He loved being in the presence of God. Psalm 27 tells that he desired to dwell in the house of the Lord forever. He poured out his heart to God in every season of his life.

When you said, "Seek My face,"

My heart said to You,

"Your face, Lord, I will seek."

Psalm 27:8

Of one thing I am sure, when you seek God, you will find Him. Deuteronomy 4:29 says you will find God if we seek Him with all our heart and soul. The more we know Him, the more we long to be like Him. As we study and abide in Him, He will guide and direct our steps. As we seek His face, let us climb near to Him, just as my children did to me, and get face to face with our Father. At times my children had to get up in my lap, face to face, to get my attention. Our Heavenly Father is already wanting us to sit with Him.

God wants our full attention.

He wants us to look only at Him.

He wants us to listen only to His voice.

Our life will never be the same.

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